Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) Therapy

Below learn everything about EBOO Therapy and it's specific, science based use cases.

In Partnership with:

Having the choice to use the EBOO with great results of increased energy and a sense of mental clarity has been such a rewarding experience.

Chan B. (Real EBOO Patient)

What is
EBOO Therapy?

EBOO therapy is a unique form of therapy that both heals and detoxifies at the same time. It is used to support a variety of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic hepatitis, herpes, chronic fatigue states, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, chronic bladder conditions, colitis, auto-immune diseases, and Crohn’s disease. among others.

The power of EBOO lies in both the ozonation and filtration processes, ECORE uses the only dual ozonation and filtration processes that exist in the world today.

+ Consultation

You will meet with qualified healthcare professional to discuss you medical history, current health concerns, and treatment goals. This initial meeting is crucial for determining the suitability of EBOO therapy for the your specific needs.

+ Treatment

With this technique, the patient’s blood is first drawn from a suitable vein through the use of a medical pump. This blood is ozonated, and then it is returned into the body, through an additional vein. The entire process is conducted in a sterile environment and is closely monitored by healthcare professionals to ensure safety and comfort. Treatment sessions typically last between 60 to 90 minutes.

+ Follow up

You will have scheduled follow-up appointments with Under Pressure to assess how the treatment is working for you after finishing a session or series of sessions.

EBOO Patient

EBOO Benefits

Improved Oxygenation

By increasing the oxygen content in the blood, EBOO can enhance oxygen delivery to tissues, potentially benefiting patients with conditions like circulatory disorders or chronic wounds where oxygen supply is compromised.


Antimicrobial Effects

Ozone has known antimicrobial properties, potentially making EBOO useful in treating infections, especially those resistant to antibiotics.


Immune Modulation

EBOO may stimulate the immune system, potentially aiding in fighting infections and modulating autoimmune responses.



The therapy is believed to help detoxify certain toxins in the blood, though the specifics of this process are not fully understood.


Anti-Inflammatory Effects

EBOO might reduce inflammation, which could be beneficial in conditions like chronic inflammatory diseases.


Improved Blood Flow and Viscosity

The treatment may reduce blood viscosity and improve circulation, which can be beneficial in vascular diseases.


Antioxidant Effects

Ozone can induce the production of antioxidants in the body, which helps in combating oxidative stress, a factor in many chronic diseases.



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